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Pelvic Pain

Education from the Herman and Wallace Institute as well as the Section on Women's Health has provided Dr. Arnold the ability to effectively treat patients suffering with painful intercourse, general pelvic and abdominal pain, pudendal nerve involvement, vestibulitis, vulvodynia, scarring from vaginal birth/ cesarean section, and much more.  Dr. Arnold uses a variety of techniques for both internal and external treatments such as strain counter strain, trigger point, scar mobilizations, soft tissue mobilizations, and incorporates this with home dilator work as needed. 


Though incontinence is common, it is not normal, and you do not have to live with it!  Dr. Arnold does have ample experience in treating both urinary and fecal incontinence.  There may be a need for simple strengthening, and she will provide a tailored specific home exercise program as needed.  Also, there may actually be internal increased muscle tension contributing to the incontinence.  There commonly is a restriction in visceral mobility and motility that can be contributing to the complaints of incontinence.  Through thorough evaluation and treatment, Dr. Arnold will assess and spend the time to determine the cause and deliver appropriate treatments.


Manual Spine Therapy

Rooted in a deep understanding of anatomy and physiology, and the 'postural-structural' model, this approach to evaluation and treatment has proven particularly beneficial to addressing pains and dysfunctions that 'traditional' modes of physical therapy have failed with.  Dr. Arnold's professional education thru the Michigan State University's College of Osteopathic Medicine has served as the foundation of her approach to conservative care of complex spinal problems.  Dr. Arnold also greatly enjoys treating coccyx pain.

Visceral Manipulation/Therapy

Every organ in the human body has a normal amount of mobility and motility.  Perhaps due to an injury, surgery, pregnancy, disease, illness, or other reasons, this mobility is restricted or even stopped.  This decreased mobility can show symptoms in terms of orthopedic discomfort, digestive problems, stomach discomfort, and numerous other ways.  If there is a problem that is not resolving with typical physical therapy, there very well may be a visceral component.  Dr. Arnold's extensive education and teaching experience thru the Barral Institute has enabled her the unique ability to successfully improve digestive health issues, liberate and mobilize post-surgical scar tissues from the pelvis and abdominal organs, as well as even improve ability to conceive with those who have been dealing with infertility.   Visceral treatments have been known to also have extremely beneficial impact on back pain, incontinence, and pelvic pain as well.


Craniosacral Therapy

The body produces and reabsorbs cerebrospinal fluid; therefore, producing specific motions throughout the body when doing this.  Craniosacral therapy focuses on ensuring the appropriate symmetry, quality, rate, and amplitude of these motions.  Also, work will be done to ensure that even the cranial bones are moving properly and evenly in response to this production and re-absorption of the cerebrospinal fluid.  Impacts of this can be seen as far as hormonal balance, improved digestion and organ function, decreased neural tension, decreased disc/ spine pain, decreased headaches, and many more whole body effects.

Rate (will be provided with paperwork for reimbursement from insurance company. See below.)


Initial Consultation: 80 minutes - $150.oo


  • Detailed Evaluation and Differential Diagnostics

  • Manual Therapy Treatment as indicated

  • Individualized Home Program Prescription and Patient Education


Follow-Up Consultations: 50 minutes (to allow time or changing/ payment) - $120.oo


  • Manual Therapy Treatment as indicated

  • Other treatment may consist of:  patient education, neuro re-education, therapeutic activities and therapeutic exercise.

  • Arnold Physical Therapy is an OUT-OF-NETWORK Provider for all insurance carriers, meaning that payment will be due at the time of service.  We do not submit to any insurance carriers. The practice will provide a 'superbill' that itemizes the services rendered, appropriate CPT and ICD-10 codes and charges paid.  Arnold Physical therapy strongly encourages our patients educate themselves as to their insurance benefits prior to attending a session with APT, and to then submit the superbills provided to their insurance companies to get reimbursed, pursuant to their chosen elected out-of-network benefits.  

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